Monday, December 7, 2009

i heart faces ~ sweet dreams

This week's theme at i ♥ faces is Sweet Dreams. This was the day we roomed in with the girls before they got to come home!! :D


  1. So sweet! Look at how tiny they were :D

  2. awwww. double the cute!
    great entry!

  3. Ooohh, two little beans :D Love the caps, too.

  4. nicole-I know, I can't believe this pic was taken over 2 yrs ago!!! :O
    Joy-when the nurses were teaching mat how to swaddle, I already knew how, they told him it was like folding a burrito. :)
    Jeanne-they were, 5 lb and 3 lb 11 oz at birth!!! plus they were a few ounces smaller when we took them home, at 11 days old!!!
    Jeanette-someone made them and donated them to the NICU. the nurses had to roll the hats up, because they were too big!! :)

  5. I found your blog thru iheartfaces. I have twins too (a boy & girl, 9 mos.). Your picture brought back memories of the NICU & teenie, tiny babies (ours were just under 5 lbs. at birth). Isn't it amazing how small they started and how fast they grow!

  6. Oh, our blog is if you ever want to stop by and see our munchkins :)

  7. kim-I did and your twins are adorable!! :) I also left a comment on an older post ;)
    how many weeks were you when you delivered? I was 33.3 weeks.
