Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Making Herbs SIMPLE vol 1 *Review & Giveaway* ~ CLOSED

I LOVED watching the Making Herbs Simple dvd, even though I already knew how to make the tinctures and poultices, watching it gives you a renewed want to get up and make some tinctures!! :)

I picked up a few new things about herbs that I will be using for myself and kiddos. Every summer, we get sugar ants that like to come into our house, unwelcomed!! In the past I have tried finding their home and drowning them with boiling water, but can't find where they are coming from!! Next I heard of laying cheyenne pepper where they come in. I wanted them out of my house, so I laid it on thick, inside and out, but that didn't stop them, they just found a different way to get in, aaugh!! From the dvd, I learned that dried peppermint is an ant deterrant!! You can bet that I will be laying dried pepperment wherever they're getting in. :)

This next one is one that I am probably going to end up using a lot this spring, while we're here in Missouri. A plantain tincture, made with apple cider vinegar, is great for insect bites!! Since there's a lot of spiders and other bugs here, I am convinced I'm going to need to make some to have on hand, just in case any of us get bit!!

All my close friends and family know that this next one is a HUGE need right now!! My lil guy who's 5 months old, has decided that sleep isn't that important and that mommy and daddy aren't going to get any either!! A chamomile tincture, best made with food grade glycerine for lil kiddos, helps you relax and sleep!! :D We deffinetely need to make some so that we can get our lil guy to sleep!!

I am very hands on and loved seeing the actual herbs in the wild and watching how they prepared the herbs and how they use them in poultices. There is a BIG difference in how much information you retain and how it makes you want to get up and start using herbs when you watch someone show you, compared to just reading it in a book. Even my 3 yr old watched the dvd with me, twice!! :D

We got a food dehydrator last year and I am hoping to dry some fruits and try my hand at drying herbs, too. It's the same concept as drying it in your oven, but a lot easier.

The Companion Guidebook is great to have on hand, it gives you all of the herb info thats on the dvd and also has great pictures!! Mine will be going in the car, so I can use it if I happen to find some herbs while we're out in the wild.

I hope to instill the love of herbs to my kids and that they will learn how to identify and use herbs. :)

Now for the BEST part...Bulk Herb Store is gracious enough to let me giveaway 5 dvd's!! :D

Be sure I have a way to get your email address so I can tell you that you won! If I don't have an easy way to get it (in your comment, google profile, etc) I will automatically choose a new winner. A new winner will also automatically be chosen if any of the entries are not followed specifically (such as doing the mandatory entry). Also leave a SEPARATE comment for each additional entry that you do! One comment = one entry! Open to the US only and 18 years or older.

Mandatory Entry
This must be done in order for any other entry to count
Follow Me on Facebook
Additional Entries
1 Entry ~ Follow me through Google Friend Connect

1 Entry **Daily** Follow Me and @bulkherbstore on Twitter and Tweet.
Be sure to leave me the link! You may copy/paste the following:
Win one of five Making Herbs Simple vol 1 dvd's! @poek4 Ends 3/18 Pls RT! #giveaway

1 Entry ~ Follow Bulk Herb Store's YouTube channel, they have a lot of great short videos to watch.

1 Entry Each ~ 'Like' Bulk Herb Store, and Shoshanna on Facebook

1 Entry ~ Blog about this and be sure to link back to this post and leave me the URL to the post.

3 Entries ~ Buy something from the Bulk Herb Store and let me know what you got. They have some great tasting teas!! :)

1 Extra Entry ~ Have you ever used herbs to cure an ailment or made your own tincture?
Tell me about it.  :)

This Giveaway will end 3/18/11 at 11:59 p.m. EST

I will choose the winners via and contact them via email and post them on this blog. They have 48 hours to claim their win before a new winner is chosen.

Good Luck!!!


  1. Follow you on FB :) (though subscribers/google friend connect followers are usually what companies ask you about, just so you know! :) )

  2. I'd add in your original mandatory entry as an extra one--about whether we have ever tried herbs as a remedy before :) "Like" the herb store on fb

  3. Okay...not sure if this counts, but you can be the judge of that. When I raised rabbits and I had problems breeding one, I'd give her dried parsley a few days before breeding. It worked like a charm :)
    Also, even though this isn't an herb, I used vanilla to spray down the cages. It kept a lot of nasty flies away.

  4. Follow Shoshanna on Facebook.

  5. My daughter had an enlarged kidney when she was born, so I used herbs to make a tea that I drank everyday. She got it through my breast milk. She was better by the time she was one year. She could have needed surgery if she hadn't healed on her own. I didn't know how to make a tincture then, but it would have been an easier way to take the herbs!
