Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tuesday's Twin Style

Ok, my friend, Nicole, is doing her own meme's, what ever that means. and no, i'm not stalking her blog, she just has so many good ideas! ;) lol So, I thought to myself, if Nicole can, why not me?

Well, here it is, Tuesday's Twin Style, every tuesday, I will be sharing about my experiences as a 'twin mommy'. Hope you enjoy it!!

Today's is short, mainly because I have no idea what to say!! :)

Inseparable, that's how the girls have been since birth and I imagine will always be. You will often find the girls sitting close to each other, quietly reading a book. I think this is the only time they're quiet!! They will sit and read in the morning before breakfast and right before bedtime and periodically throughout the day. They must get their love of reading from my mom!?! ;)

Then the next minute, they will be fighting over the same toy, that they have a double of!! Seriously, that's why I buy 2 of everything!! :) lol

This is all I can think of today, so come back next week to see what I have to say then.

1 comment:

  1. Haha A Meme is a blog idea or posting that usually several people get involved in and link up to. Such as Wordless Wednesday, Thursday Thirteen, Not Me Monday, etc. :) Yey for us making our own.

    Feel free to join in any of the ones I do! It's a great way to get more traffic to your blog and make new followers
